Bonds jury begins deliberations (AP)

Friday, April 8, 2011 10:01 AM By dwi

SAN FRANCISCO – The commission at the Barry Bonds trial is deliberating.

The eight-woman, four-man commission was sealed soured in a commission room weekday morning to begin determining a finding in the federal infraction housing against Bonds. Prosecutors and defense lawyers enwrapped up their closing arguments on weekday salutation but the commission definite to break before deliberating then.

Baseball's all-time bag run cheater is live with three counts of misrepresentaation to a grand commission in 2003 and a calculate of impediment for denying that he knowingly took performance-enhancing drugs and for locution no digit another than his doctors gave him an injection.

Bonds was originally indicted in November 2007.

If convicted on any of the charges, federal guidelines recommend a situation sentence of between 15 and 21 months, though Bonds' punishment could be farther less severe.



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